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PETITION 8 letter word which starts with the letter P and ends with the letter N
(n.) A prayer; a supplication; an imploration; an entreaty; especially a request of a solemn or formal kind; a prayer to the Supreme Being or to a person of superior power rank or authority; also a single clause in such a prayer. |
(n.) A formal written request addressed to an official person or to an organized body having power to grant it; specifically (Law) a supplication to government in either of its branches for the granting of a particular grace or right; -- in distinction from a memorial which calls certain facts to mind; also the written document. |
(v. t.) To make a prayer or request to; to ask from; to solicit; to entreat; especially to make a formal written supplication or application to as to any branch of the government; as to petition the court; to petition the governor. |
(v. i.) To make a petition or solicitation. |
The word PETITION is a 8 letter word that contains 3 syllables .
The syllable division for the word PETITION is PE-TI-TION
Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word PETITION.