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HORSE 5 letter word which starts with the letter H and ends with the letter E
(n.) A hoofed quadruped of the genus Equus; especially the domestic horse (E. caballus) which was domesticated in Egypt and Asia at a very early period. It has six broad molars on each side of each jaw with six incisors and two canine teeth both above and below. The mares usually have the canine teeth rudimentary or wanting. The horse differs from the true asses in having a long flowing mane and the tail bushy to the base. Unlike the asses it has callosities or chestnuts on all its legs. The horse excels in strength speed docility courage and nobleness of character and is used for drawing carrying bearing a rider and like purposes. |
(n.) The male of the genus horse in distinction from the female or male; usually a castrated male. |
(n.) Mounted soldiery; cavalry; -- used without the plural termination; as a regiment of horse; -- distinguished from foot. |
(n.) A frame with legs used to support something; as a clotheshorse a sawhorse etc. |
(n.) A frame of timber shaped like a horse on which soldiers were made to ride for punishment. |
(n.) Anything actual or figurative on which one rides as on a horse; a hobby. |
(n.) A mass of earthy matter or rock of the same character as the wall rock occurring in the course of a vein as of coal or ore; hence to take horse -- said of a vein -- is to divide into branches for a distance. |
(n.) See Footrope a. |
(a.) A breastband for a leadsman. |
(a.) An iron bar for a sheet traveler to slide upon. |
(a.) A jackstay. |
(v. t.) To provide with a horse or with horses; to mount on or as on a horse. |
(v. t.) To sit astride of; to bestride. |
(v. t.) To cover as a mare; -- said of the male. |
(v. t.) To take or carry on the back; as the keeper horsing a deer. |
(v. t.) To place on the back of another or on a wooden horse etc. to be flogged; to subject to such punishment. |
(v. i.) To get on horseback. |
The word HORSE is a 5 letter word that contains 1 syllable .
The syllable division for the word HORSE is HORSE