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HARP 4 letter word which starts with the letter H and ends with the letter P

We have found 6 definitions.

(n.) A musical instrument consisting of a triangular frame furnished with strings and sometimes with pedals held upright and played with the fingers.
(n.) A constellation; Lyra or the Lyre.
(n.) A grain sieve.
(n.) To play on the harp.
(n.) To dwell on or recur to a subject tediously or monotonously in speaking or in writing; to refer to something repeatedly or continually; -- usually with on or upon.
(v. t.) To play on as a harp; to play (a tune) on the harp; to develop or give expression to by skill and art; to sound forth as from a harp; to hit upon.

Syllable Information

The word HARP is a 4 letter word that contains 1 syllable .

The syllable division for the word HARP is HARP

Other words from HARP

Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word HARP.

3 Letter Words