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GARNISH 7 letter word which starts with the letter G and ends with the letter H
(v. t.) To decorate with ornamental appendages; to set off; to adorn; to embellish. |
(v. t.) To ornament as a dish with something laid about it; as a dish garnished with parsley. |
(v. t.) To furnish; to supply. |
(v. t.) To fit with fetters. |
(v. t.) To warn by garnishment; to give notice to; to garnishee. See Garnishee v. t. |
(n.) Something added for embellishment; decoration; ornament; also dress; garments especially such as are showy or decorated. |
(n.) Something set round or upon a dish as an embellishment. See Garnish v. t.2 |
(v. t.) Fetters. |
(v. t.) A fee; specifically in English jails formerly an unauthorized fee demanded by the old prisoners of a newcomer. |
The word GARNISH is a 7 letter word that contains 2 syllables .
The syllable division for the word GARNISH is GAR-NISH
Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word GARNISH.