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CONTEMPT 8 letter word which starts with the letter C and ends with the letter T
(n.) The act of contemning or despising; the feeling with which one regards that which is esteemed mean vile or worthless; disdain; scorn. |
(n.) The state of being despised; disgrace; shame. |
(n.) An act or expression denoting contempt. |
(n.) Disobedience of the rules orders or process of a court of justice or of rules or orders of a legislative body; disorderly contemptuous or insolent language or behavior in presence of a court tending to disturb its proceedings or impair the respect due to its authority. |
The word CONTEMPT is a 8 letter word that contains 2 syllables .
The syllable division for the word CONTEMPT is CON-TEMPT
Below you will find all the words that can be formed from the letters of the word CONTEMPT.